Customs Service

at Vendelbo Spedition

At Vendelbo Spedition, we offer comprehensive customs services to ensure a seamless and efficient customs process for your company. Our experienced and competent staff are ready to assist you through the entire customs procedure and advise you on the various customs regulations specific to your transport and goods.

AEO Certification

We are AEO-certified (Authorized Economic Operator), which means we meet the highest standards in customs processing. Our compliance with current customs regulations, financial solvency, and efficient accounting and logistics systems guarantee that your customs process is in safe hands.

Tailored Advice

Our customs service includes tailored advice that considers your company’s unique needs, ensuring that your goods are imported or exported correctly and legally. We continuously update ourselves with the latest customs regulations and directives so you can focus on your core business without worrying about customs processing.

Safety and Security

At Vendelbo Spedition, we place high importance on safety and security. We ensure that your goods are handled with the utmost care and security, both during transport and in the customs process. Our goal is to create a seamless and secure experience for you and your company from start to finish.

Contact info

+45 98 92 52 33
